Don’t just trust us. Trust the results!
Proven results with the VISIA Scan—the most comprehensive skin analysis available today.
After taking Biosil® for 6 weeks, my nails and hair grew faster. My hair got thicker and my skin looked better.
After taking Biosil® for four months, Michael improved his skin incredibly!
The first improvement I noticed, after only 8 weeks, was fuller, brighter skin.
After taking Biosil® for three months, Adam improved his skin and visibly diminished his wrinkles thanks to Biosil®.
The lines around my eyes began to disappear, and my hair and nails began growing faster and healthier!
After taking Biosil® for four months, Jenna improved her skin drastically! This resulted in her skin looking much younger by analysis of the VISIA scanner.
Independent skin analysis by VISIA, Canfield Scientific
VISIA is an in-depth analysis of your individual facial characteristics. The VISIA scans your skin, looking at its strengths and weaknesses. VISIA scans measure your skin pigmentation, pore size, and porphyrins (evidence of bacteria lodged in pores). It also scans UV spots, sun damage, texture, and wrinkles. Developed by Canfield Imaging Systems, this multispectral imaging system provides some of the most comprehensive information on skin health today. In addition to identifying areas requiring treatment, the VISIA skin analysis can track treatments to determine whether those treatments are having the desired effect at the cellular level.

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